Nine benefits of seeking wonder through the arts
Arts Umbrella believes art is powerful — powerful enough to change a young person’s life. To help illustrate, the Arts Umbrella team has shared nine ways that an arts education can benefit children and youth. Whether you discover your artistic passions in art, design, dance, theatre, music, film or any other art form, the benefits will last you a lifetime.

1 — Confidence
We all know it takes time to master a skill, but the more time you invest in the development of your craft, the more your confidence will grow — and that’s a fantastic feeling. On the performing arts side of things, the skills you learn in class and on stage can also benefit you in everyday life, giving you the confidence to take on the world.
2 — Friendship
When you become involved in the arts, you meet like-minded peers who are just as invested in their study as you. The shared experience of creating in the same space, whether through solo or collaborative work, brings people together in friendships that will last a lifetime.
3 — Focus
Balancing school, extracurriculars, hobbies and a social life can be a lot of work for a young person. By setting aside the time to attend an art class, children, youth and teens can develop their ability to focus on the task at hand.
4 — Skills Development
It may seem obvious, but one of the most rewarding results of an arts education is seeing your skills advance from term to term. By pursuing classes in any art form, students will develop specific, relevant skills to their chosen medium, and perhaps even find ways to apply their abilities to new art forms.
5 — Mental Health
There are numerous studies that connect participation in the arts to improved mental health. Creating art or engaging in physical movement through dance and theatre can help reduce stress and provide pathways for young people to engage with challenges in their lives.
6 — Creativity
Being creative is not a quality limited to artists. Creativity can also help young people approach difficult subjects in new ways, whether it’s how to solve a math equation or change their perspective to achieve conflict resolution. Everyone benefits from thinking outside of the box.
7 — Compassion
There is a skill set in visual and performing arts connected to listening, compassion and empathy. By participating in and creating art, young people are encouraged to engage with society in a meaningful and impactful way as they learn to better understand how they, as individuals and collectively, can make a difference.
8 — Culture
Art provides a lens through which children and youth can engage with culture. Through deliberate and conscientious engagement with new cultures, young people will learn to respect and appreciate the world around them.
9 — Discovery
An arts education is all about discovery. From a dancer’s first step in the studio to an artist’s first brush stroke or an actor’s first line, the arts will never cease to provide opportunities for exploration. There is no end to this journey, and we hope that all young people will be inspired to engage in the arts for generations to come.
Pursuing an arts education helps inspire a lifelong journey towards self-expression, compassion and humanity. And at Arts Umbrella, innovative programming, a passion for excellence and a commitment to inclusivity allows individuals to live creativity and authentically. To learn more and discover programs that will cultivate creativity, visit