Demystifying Public Relations

Squashing four common misconceptions about the industry

What is PR? Is it marketing? Why would I even need PR? 

These are common questions many PR pros are asked on a regular basis. Public relations is often misunderstood and sometimes regarded as optional in brand building strategy, rather than a necessity to strengthen brand awareness. 

As the PR landscape continues to rapidly change, Nine Point recognizes the importance of learning and adapting quickly to industry changes and client goals. At our core, strategic media relations and innovative digital solutions will always be essential to our tailored programs with proven results, time and time again.

It’s in our DNA to inform and shift perspectives and narratives so let’s break down the world of PR and break some misconceptions about the industry. AKA - doing what we do best!

1. Only larger brands need PR

False. From emerging brands to highly established corporations, every business can benefit from PR. One of the biggest misconceptions in PR is that it’s simply a very expensive type of promotion, wherein PR actually focuses on building brand awareness and affinity and helping to shape positive perceptions. While larger PR campaigns and events may not always be within the scope of work or within a given budget, there are many tools within a strategic PR strategy to accomplish specific goals.

2. It’s all about reach, not always the message

False. Your brand’s message is everything. It should be relevant, engaging, and tell the larger story. Lacking in any of those points means the content is not hitting the mark. When you have a chance to spread your brand’s message towards an audience of any size, make sure it’s the right one.

3. PR is only needed when in crisis

False. At its core, PR is all about making influential, lasting impressions. These impressions over time generate brand awareness, connections, and relationships which convert into sales and retention! Building authentic trust and brand affinity among customers is not a short game but a long-term strategy built into marketing plans. It is constantly evolving and adapting to market changes and audience needs. Consistent strengthening of audience relationships through long-term PR efforts is highly effective, especially if or when, a crisis comes along.

4. PR is always expensive

False. At Nine Point Agency, after noticing a gap in the industry for PR programs dedicated to supporting small and emerging brands that often face financial barriers, we launched our Incubator Program. The program was designed to assist the growth and success of start-ups by offering PR services at an affordable rate. Because PR shouldn’t only be accessible to large, already established brands with deep pockets. 

Stay on point, and get in touch with our team to learn more. 


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