Nine Points with Nova Stevens, Miss Universe Canada 2020

Nova Stevens was crowned last year as Miss Universe 2020, and it’s not hard to see why. This gorgeous creature is nothing short of beautiful, inside and out.

Nine Point joined forces with Nova and her co-organizer, Shamika Mitchell, last year to help promote two important marches in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and to recognize Emancipation Day in Vancouver.

A natural-born leader, we asked Nova nine questions to seek insight on her resilience, strength and what 2021 holds for her. ——-

Nova Stevens Crown
Nova Stevens Model

1 — Do you have a hero or mentor?

I live by this quote "Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness." Oprah Winfrey.  Those are the words of the woman that has inspired me from a very young age. I have not been fortunate to grow up with my immediate family. It was people like Oprah that I looked up to for inspiration. I remember always watching her talk show and listening to her advice carefully, as if she was my mother. From her, I learned that it’s not where you’re from, rather where you’re going. Your past does not define you, it strengthens you.

2 — Tell us your covid survival tip

Keep busy as much as you can! Date yourself. Get to know you again. Learn to know what makes you happy again. I journal a lot and connect with my loved ones on the phone.

3 — What’s one thing covid has made you grateful for?

Human beings are social creatures. Without other human interactions, we simply cannot thrive. Covid-19 has proven to be a teacher. It has taught me that the small things we often take for granted, may not be so small. A coffee date, gatherings, and a simple hug from a friend. These are the things I miss.  I look forward to doing these things when time permits. When that happens, I will make sure to cherish every moment. As Maya Angelou once said, “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”

4 — What always makes you feel better?

Exercise increases my energy.

When I’m lazy I enjoy eating a whole bag of chips to myself. Potatoes of any form are my vice.

5 — Current mood song

Beyonce’s Savage Remix

6 — What are you looking forward to in 2021?

Like everyone, I’m looking forward to the world opening up and moving forward from the pandemic.

7 — What was a defining moment for you in 2020?

I have three:

1) organizing the marches with Shamika Mitchell

2) Getting the city of Vancouver to declare Emancipation Day.

3) Winning Miss Universe Canada

8 — Advice you live by?

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

9 — What’s your superpower? Or tell us a talent you possess that would surprise people?

I can sing in a baby voice.


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