#CommunityHigh - Anna Li



#CommunityHigh 〰️

Meet Anna Li (she/her), a.k.a Anna the Cannabinista. She’s a content creator and cannabis recipe developer who loves making healthy, infused recipes.

In this edition of Community High, we chatted with Anna about cannabis, her life in front of the camera, and what’s she’s learned in her career so far.  

A love letter to our community, Community High is a spotlight series that celebrates local creatives, entrepreneurs and changemakers. We’re asking the hard (and not so hard)-hitting questions to discover what makes these inspiring people so rad!

Tell us about yourself!

Hi! I’m Anna, also known as The Cannabinista. “Cannabinista” is literally a made up word that I came up with while stoned on my couch one day. I was trying to come up with a clever Instagram handle (and trust me I’m not very creative when it comes to names). I decided to combine the word “cannabis” with “fashionista”, leveraging “-ista” as a way to define someone who is a devoted and passionate about cannabis and the culture. 

I don’t really know how to define myself. When it comes down to it, I’m a cannabis consumer that is extremely passionate about making cannabis infused foods and beverages, and sharing my knowledge about the plant. Aside from cooking with cannabis, I’m obsessed with all the science behind the plant, why and how it gives (certain) people beneficial effects, and how it can be used to potentially enhance one’s life – physically and mentally.

How did you get involved in the cannabis industry and content creation? Where did you get the inspiration to start ‘Anna the Cannabinista’?

I’ve been a cannabis consumer for almost a decade now, but didn’t get “involved” in the cannabis industry until post legalization in Canada. During the pandemic, I started to post content on Instagram just for fun. It wasn’t anything fancy, just what products I was trying, how I was making infused cannabis oils and goodies at home during the lockdown. This was also during a time when cannabis content was allowed on Instagram, so you could literally say whatever you wanted, use all the hashtags, and show big old buds without getting flagged.

It was really easy to connect with other cannabis lovers across Canada, and we shared our passion for the plant virtually. I was getting positive feedback for my recipes, so I started to film short form videos Reels and TikTok to show the community how I made cannabis-infused goods in the comfort of my own home. I got more and more traction, so I started to film weekly recipes, and at one point, was even putting out daily recipe videos! It was great to see everyone’s interest in making homemade edibles, while also being able to provide approachable cannabis education online.

How much trial and error do you go through when creating your recipes?

It really depends on the recipe. Some recipes are tried and true favourites of mine that I’ve made a dozen times over, and I know exactly what to expect – taste wise and dose wise. Some recipes are more seasonal or experimental, so I have to make it a couple of times to get the exact flavour I want. Sometimes I’ll make a dish, and it’s way too dank, and the cannabis smell overpowers the entire dish. In those situations, I have to go back and tweak the dosage, or think of a way to mask the dank taste even more. 

What has been your favourite infused recipe to date and why?

My favourite infused recipe to make is my cannabis infused banana bread. What’s funny is I’m a terrible baker, but you can’t f*** up banana bread. That’s the one baked good I’m confident in making each and every time. What I love about cannabanana bread is you can have it for breakfast, as a snack, or even for dessert. High-CBD banana bread is an excellent way to start the day. Or a 1:1 balanced banana bread for a mid-day snack. And for an after-dinner banana bread, I love adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream and serving it warm, with a caramel drizzle.

What’s one thing you wish more people knew about cannabis?

I wish more people knew that just because you had a bad experience when you were a teen in high school, or you took an edible that was way too strong and greened out, it doesn’t mean that experience will happen again if you consume cannabis! Often, people’s first time trying cannabis is never the best experience. Whether it’s because they consumed too much or too little, or maybe they weren’t in the right mindset, or they weren’t able to metabolize the cannabis, or they didn’t inhale the smoke properly… I wish people knew that there are many factors that could impact one’s cannabis experience, and unfortunately, it sometimes takes trial and error before you can find the perfect cannabis product and consumption method for you.

Certainly, there will be individuals that cannabis is definitely not for, and that’s ok too! It doesn’t have to work for everyone. But I think there is an opportunity to educate folks that just because you had a bad experience the first time, it doesn’t mean that you will have a bad experience again.

I have friends who had the worst experience the first time they tried the green. The second time they tried it, I offered for them to try it with me. I discussed the different options available, such as edibles, beverages, and vapes, and walked them through different dosage options (ie. balanced, high THC, high CBD, etc.). Then we decided on the best product to try. I ensured we had many yummy snacks and hydrating beverages to accompany our experience. Oftentimes, we would hang out, watch a good movie and eat good food. Every time I’ve shared cannabis with a skeptical friend in this way, 10/10 times, they loved the journey they were able to experience. If you or a friend have had a bad canna experience, try evaluating what might have caused the experience to go awry – maybe the dosage or product, or even the environment needs to be changed up!

What is the biggest lesson you've learned in your career?

To focus on doing me and doing what I’m good at. I get caught up in trying to do trendy videos, or changing my content style to match what other people are doing to see if I’ll get more views, but at the end of the day, what I’ve found that works best is to be myself. Authenticity is what people are looking for. Stay true to your craft. Develop it and refine it, but don’t try to be someone else.

What is your best way to decompress from a long day?

My go-to wind down routine is to turn on the diffuser with my favourite essential oil blend, take a 5mg 1:1 balanced edible or make an infused mocktail, and hop into a hot shower. I’ve timed this routine so perfectly that by the time I come out of the shower, the edible’s kicked in, my place is filled with a relaxing lavender smell, and I’m ready to enjoy my dinner or an evening snack. 

What’s next for you in 2023 and beyond?

2023 is all about continuing to grow my audience and brand on a variety of social platforms, but most importantly, my website www.thecannabinista.com which houses all my cannabis-infused recipes and education blog posts. It’s important for me to diversify myself away from social media giants like Instagram and TikTok that don’t like cannabis content, and have the power to censor you and remove you from the platform. That’s why I’ll be doubling down on cannabis-friendly platforms, so I can deeply and authentically continue to connect with my community. I also plan to host more cannabis events in the city. There’s a huge opportunity for experiential cannabis events, whether it’s cannabis-infused mocktail class, or an event to enjoy cannabis in different formats with the canna community. I’ve partnered with retailers in the past to host cannabis events, and they were so much fun. I’m looking forward to doing more of these this year for sure.

Share a photo of you in your happy place!

Me in the kitchen, making cannabis infused goodies! Good weed, good food – that’s my happy place.

Stay on point, and get in touch with our team to learn more. 


The Intern Experience Part 2


#CommunityHigh - Bea Chan